

Started in 2017, Every Blue Moon Concerts is focused on bringing internationally acclaimed artists, across a wide spectrum of genres, into the intimate setting of a music salon. Set on the Inverness Ridge, audiences from as far as Sacramento, San Francisco, and the East Bay come to hear these world-class musicians, Grammy Artists and Steinway Artists among them. It all started when I thought that it would be helpful to create a regular occurrence of beauty and community through hosting house concerts during a period of my life when I traveled excessively to support a cherished family member who was concluding their life. At that time the concerts were a simple way for me to get everyone in the room one night a month, they were a place where I could welcome both familiar and new friends, and the concerts provided a place where I could hear world-class music without traveling far.

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The focus of the house concert series, both then and now, is to bring artist who span a wide spectrum of genres into a salon setting where artists and audience can share in these extraordinary musical journeys. Whether they are releasing new work, workshopping work that’s under development or performing a retrospective of their careers, it is exciting to bring together both artists and audience members who embrace the series with such warmth and appreciation.

With great appreciation to all of you,

Camille LeBlanc


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